Transport To Germany

Как переехать на ПМЖ в ГерманиюA few times asked about the German MPM. I'm always happy to share knowledge, but immigration is a serious matter, so I have to start with a little retreat.

I'm not a lawyer or a migration consultant. Data are obtained from open sources, for example, from German law texts or official websites of German ministries. Other sources always try to check. But I'm not a professional journalist, and this is a private blog. So I can't take responsibility for the information provided. Please take this in mind.

But in fact, to give general advice on migration to be professional and not required. People usually need the least information. This minimum is often sufficient to decide whether or not to apply to the official bodies of the German embassy or consulate. And that's where it's going to go to the hands of officials who'll tell them what and how to do it. Also often, Internet users are just curious to know and how to get to the GTB, what ways.

What's a MPW?

Starting with the fact that MPW is literally a permanent place of residence. How can you live in Germany all the time? I think it's only legal: either having an indefinite visa or being a German citizen. Both the first and the second methods are far from simple and involve certain bureaucratic procedures over a long time. Most often, years have passed to the FGM.

I'll start with a description of the options where you can come to Germany right away to MPW.

As far as I know, there are only two possibilities for those who are not a citizen of the Eurasian countries: Jewish immigration and late resettled.

Ethnic Germans

Like,later resettledOnly ethnic Germans can migrate to Germany. It is sufficient to prove that at least one parent is a representative of the German people. An ethnic German may apply to the Embassy, complete a questionnaire and test the language and cultural characteristics of the German people. Based on the test and examination of documents, a permanent residence permit can be obtained to enter Germany, followed by the acquisition of German citizenship. I have detailed the topic of late resettlement in several articles. Starting better with the new law on late resettlements, which greatly facilitated the rules for obtaining that status. I think this and other articles will answer many questions of interest to this topic.

получение визы в австралию

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